Appearances of the Legacy Alcazar in the media.

The ten best rated hotels in Seville in 2023 according to Tripadvisor

Best hotels in Seville 2023: Where to stay for a cool city break

Online reviews are becoming increasingly important…

The 5 most romantic destinations in Andalucia

Hotel Legado Alcazar, calm and history in the centre of Seville

“Your room is part of the Alcazar” (minute 53:45)

Hotel Legado Alcázar and Sol Torremolinos, awarded by Hotels & Tourism of CaixaBank

A gastronomic journey through Spain and Portugal

A second life for the palace houses of Seville

Where will guests stay at the Latin Grammy Gala in Seville?

Five hotels in Seville to consider for a weekend getaway
Legado Alcázar Hotel


Seville, on the hunt
of luxury tourism

An extension of the Alcazar in the heart of Seville

A four-star hotel will open next week next to the Real Alcázar de Sevilla

A seal against

Old & New

Llenazo VIP de los hoteles cinco estrellas de Sevilla por los Latin Grammy

Where to Stay?
Hotel Legado Alcázar

Best Hotels in Spain to Enjoy Luxury of the best kind!

The friendship between a wild duck and a peacock in the Alcazar of Seville

Legado Alcazar

Legado Alcazar

This is the new Legado Alcázar hotel in Seville

Legado Alcázar Seville, Andalucia, Spain